Saturday, April 18, 2009

When nobody else will listen

page  1 of a book called nobody else will listen a girls conversation with God . I feel like this a lot ( not that it's anyones fault ) - Marjorie Holmes 

Forgive me LORD but I'm coming to you because no one else will listen. Almost no one else will listen. Parents try to but they can't Most of the time they can't . So often they're not around when I need them. Pr they're too busy with their own affairs to listen. Or maybe they're scared to listen. 

My friends and I talk , we talk a lot, but they've got their own problems. None of them really listens. I prayed when I was just a little kid , God , prayers I've been taught. It was all very innocent and simple, like talking to Santa Claus .

 Well I'm not so innocent anymroe and it isn't simple any more.  It's real-very real , my need to talk to -someone . To seek help somewhere. And even if I never see you , never hear an answer , I know that you too are real.

 Now that I'm older I'm beginning to feel it , deep inside . Where it helps and where it hurts sometimes. You made the universe , you made the world. You made me. Me, with all these hopes and dreams and faults. You are listening. Day and night you are with me , listening.

 I can tell you how it is , in my own words now. You won't critisize, you won't be  shocked . You will listen. Thank you for listening to me God.  

Monday, April 13, 2009

 I read family is the place you acy your worst and are treated the best. 

 Thank God for families. 

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Doubting Thomas

Just last night I was reading my Bible and suddenally bam! again I get hit by something to write. I think doubting thomas had faith .I  really do. Why doubting thomas?  He's called that from when he didn't believe Jesus was risen He wanted proof.

 I think Thomas was what our faith is all about .. and I'll prove my point.In what i'm about to tell you He just really misses what's it's all about  .. or so you think . Jesus is wanting to go to Judea . Pretty dangerous for him as he wasn't received well the last time he was there. . And what does Jesus say? He wants to go because his friend lazarus is asleep. 

His discliples don't get it . Then Jesus explains that Lazarus is dead and he didn't go before because he wants the disciples to have faith . I'm sure they were confused. Why go for a dead man? But Thomas misses the point more then that. He says " Let's go that we may  die with him!" I'm sure they were all wondering what he's going to do . 

What a mistake huh?  For those of us that know that for a  while Jesus remains very much alive and Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. You think ' If I had said that I would go hide in a corner for a while. ' I thought that too. Until last night. 

I don't know whether or not it really was true or not but the too be named doubting Thomas had faith. Look at what he says . I think we need to concentrate on what he says..  He KNOWS that Jesus is going on a dangerous situation . He may not know why Jesus was going to a dead man maybe he thought Jesus would heal maybe not .. if not also that might heighten the danger because when Jesus went a few people could be angry Jesus hadn't saved Lazarus beforehand. If he did believe Jesus would heal look at what happened when he did! What happens next is that the Jews are plotting against him and even Lazarus. 

He understood the danger yet he said to the others let's go and die with him! To not just make the decision for himself but to try and persuade others. I just thinks it's cool though stuff may sound weird or not be the best timing when we say something God looks at the heart .Though we all mess up even as Thomas did by not believing Jesus had risen like he said he would he still wanted to see Jesus. And right after he did see Jesus he believed . 

And isn't that why Jesus died to rise again in the first place to clean up after our messes? To be faithful to his promise even when we weren't faithful? 

The greatest day in history,
 Death is beaten
You have rescued me
Sing it out Jesus is alive
The empty cross, The empty grave
Life eternal You have won the day
Shout it out Jesus is alive
He's alive

Oh happy day, happy day
You washed my sin away
Oh happy day, happy day
I'll never be the same
Forever I am changed

Happy Easter! 

Friday, April 10, 2009


I was just thinking today God's giving us so many gifts big and small.. 

a family that loves me so much.. :-D ( especially my crazy sister kay who prayed for me the other night and who always can make me smile by being silly ) 

awesome friends that listen to me when i need to talk about stuff... 

Just this morning i was annoyed because i had to help do stuff and i was like ugh when really i shouldn't have been that i had to help without eating breakfast not 5 seconds later my whiny little heart received pop tarts . God is good even when we're not.

It's been that way for a long time of course I wish tonight i was going to the good friday service but i got asked to work.. but i'm doing devotions here. 

How deep the Father's love for us,
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure

How great the pain of searing loss,
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the chosen One,
Bring many sons to glory

Behold the Man upon a cross,
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed I hear my mocing voice,
Call out among the scoffers

It was my sin that held Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished

I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection

Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom

I listened to this song. it's amazing.

I really connect with this song. And as the shirt from the song amazing grace says . " I am the wretch that song talks about'  I don't deserve anything from God but he wanted to give me this big gift , and he has it for all of you. I hope you accept it. I hope you guys have a good friday and remember it ! 

I'm glad sunday we'll get to say he is risen and can hear back he is risen indeed!